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Nithul T C - Chair
Nathan Vogelsang - Secretary
Rajat Shakya - Principal Designer
Aldy Riza Dhiandra - Assistant Principal Designer
Julie Kirsch - Graphic Designer
Tom John White - Editor
Rithu Maria - Qualitate Qua



Tim Al-Naimi - Chair
Emilia Borges - Editor
Deborah Dekker - Principal Designer
Maria Kalypso Andreadou - Assistant Principal Designer
Manon Schellart - Secretary
Altayeb OsmanAltayeb Malik - Graphic Designer
Marica de Wit - Qualitate Qua


Aniek Josine Van Gorkom - Chair
Uday Jain - Editor
Pratyaksh Gupta - Editor
Deborah Dekker - Assisstant Principal Designer
Luuk Smulders - Principal Designer
Emilia Antonia Andrade Borges - Secretary
Thorvaldur Kari Vilhjalmsson - Qualitate Qua
Rianne Teeuwen - Graphic Designer



Krishna Ajithkumar Pillai - Chairman
Ganesh Shri Raam Kalaichelvi Senthil Kumar - Secretary
Geke Rademaker - Principal Designer
Amey Prasad Joshi - Editor and Layout
Arjun Ragahavan - Editor and Layout
Joris Welles - Editor and Layout
Rik Kwakman - Editor and Layout
Shirley Feng - Editor and Layout
Vaishnavi Yerram - Editor and Layout
Rohan Remigus - Editor and Layout
Victor Ghering - QQ


Michael Lee - Chairman
Krishna Pillai - Secretary and Editor
Joris Welles - Designer and Editor
Rohan Remigius - Designer 
Ganesh Shri Raam Senthil Kumar - Designer
Arjun Raghavan - Writer and Editor
Lee Theres Mathew - Writer and Editor
Paul Mako - Writer and Editor
Aditya Vidwans - Writer and Editor
Ajlal Arif - Writer and Editor
Berber Renckens - Writer and Editor
Siddhesh Rajadhyaksha - QQ


Michael Lee - Chairman
Gerhard Olivier - Secretary
Tihitina Tilahun Teshome - Editor
Joris Welles - Editor and layout
Aditya Vidwans - Editor
Ajlal Arif - Editor
Rick Voortman - Editor
Siddhesh Rajadhyaksha - Editor and layout
Maureen Klomp - QQ


Robbie van Leeuwen - Chairman
Caithlin Marugg - Layout
Carla Smulders - Editor
Willem Cijsouw - Writer
Berber Renckens - Editor
Anshuman Tiwari - Writer
Anmol Singla - Editor
Romy Brouwer - Editor
Nikhil Awasthy - Editor
Suman Bhattarai - QQ


Carlijn van Hoogdalem - Chairman
Robbie van Leeuwen - Editor
Silke Prinsse - Editorand layout
Carla Smulders - Editor
Babette Hohrath - Editor
Niels Hofstee - Layout
Liesette la Gasse - Editor
Caithlin Marugg - Editor
Rubin Spittka - QQ


Corné Hagen - Chairman
Axel Koper - Editor
Niels Hofstee - Editor
Carla Smulders - Secretary and editor
Carlijn van Hoogdalem - QQ


Corné Hagen - Chairman
Pawel Baran - Secretary
Tom de Ruiter - Graphic design
Carlijn van Hoogdalem - Editor and graphic design
Axel Koper - Editor
Nathalie Ramos - QQ


Pepijn van Zantvliet - Chairman
Axel Koper - Secretary and editor
Steven van Eck - Graphic design
Tom de Ruiter - Graphic design
Giuseppe Izzo - Editor
Wilco van der Mersch - Editor
Nathalie Ramos - Editor
Bart van Casteren - QQ


Ferdinand van den Brink - Chairman
Steven van Eck - Graphic design
Lucia Cimpoi - Editor
Wilco van der Mersch - Editor
Dennis Woutering - Editor
Maarten Mathot - QQ
