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About TNO

Innovation is crucial in realising a secure, sustainable, healthy and digital society with TNO as lead innovator

TNO, as a trusted, independent, and pioneering applied science and technology organisation, plays a multifaceted role. We innovate, investigate, and orchestrate, collaborating closely with governments, universities and the private sector. We inform government on policies and empower evidence-based decision-making through rigorous investigations, cutting-edge scientific insights, and reliable measurements. By building national and international consortia and ecosystems, we drive technological and methodological breakthroughs that help to realise a secure, sustainable, healthy, and digital society, and strengthen the earning power of the Dutch economy.

TNO aims to help elevate the cumulative innovation effort in the Netherlands towards R&D investment of at least 3% of GDP, an increase of 30% (more than € 6.7 billion) compared to 2022, mainly from private contributions. Therefore, we also have to increase TNO’s innovation effort, as a core part of the Dutch innovation ecosystem. To maximise the impact of our innovative efforts, we concentrate on fields where we truly excel—where we lead the way in innovation—and where our contributions therefore have the most impact.

We base our decisions in this regard on a thorough grasp of societal and market needs, a realistic assessment of emerging value chains and industrial hubs in the Netherlands, as well as the international competitive landscape. These factors co-determine the success or failure of an innovative effort. We remain committed until technical and social inventions evolve into successful innovations.

Together, we will forge a more focused and responsive organisation: one that thrives on collaboration and agility, where our employees can flourish, and where they feel empowered to create truly impactful innovations that contribute to the sustainable well-being and prosperity of society.
